Initially most people used to be concerned about outdoor air quality and pollution. However, with advancement in research and technology it has been revealed that indoor air quality is just as important if not more. Because of building structures, ventilation system, it is much more likely for pollutants and contaminants to linger in indoor spaces longer, thereby reducing air quality. Monitoring indoor air quality has gained a lot of momentum over the recent years, even more so with the onset of COVID-19 pandemic and detecting carbon dioxide, temperature as well as humidity are all correlated with air quality. In this article, we delve into the correlation among CO2, temperature, humidity, and air quality as well as the importance of CO2/T/H monitoring in our spaces.

CO2/T/H and Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality or IAQ is generally defined as air quality within and around buildings, especially in relation to its impact on the health and comfort of building occupants. Understanding and controlling common pollutants indoors can greatly help mitigate the risk of indoor health concerns, including transmission of diseases like COVID-19. Health effects from indoor air pollutants may be experienced soon after exposure or even decades later down the road. IAQ is especially important in commercial buildings and offices in order to enhance employee productivity and morale.

IAQ is affected by both external and internal environments. It can be deteriorated by outdoor air pollution from traffic, surrounding industrial, construction and combustion activities whereas internal factors such as ventilation system, furniture, building users, etc. can also significantly influence IAQ. Usually, CO2 is the common indicator of air quality in buildings, whereas indoor air temperature and humidity are key indicators of occupant’s thermal comfort. In addition, high levels of relative humidity may pose additional problems such as condensation and mold formation which not only adversely affects building infrastructure but also causes health problems. 

Reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission indoors

Perhaps under current significance, the greatest role of having CO2/T/H monitoring comes in the form of reducing the transmission of pathogens like COVID-19. A high amount of CO2 in the air translates into a high number of aerosols and reduces indoor air quality. This increases the risk of infection for everyone in the room. Moreover, several studies have revealed that poorly ventilated indoor spaces can increase the possibility of aerosol transmission of COVID-19. With CO2/T/H monitoring this can be kept under control by controlling CO2 level. 

Boost staff productivity and morale

It has been seen that if CO2 is present in high concentration, it can negatively impact cognitive ability, thereby influencing work performance. With different levels of CO2 exposure, your symptoms can vary from a minor headache and lack of concentration to lightheadedness and reduced cognitive performance. Office workers, factory workers, and students are especially at risk of exposure to high CO2 levels – almost greater than even 2500 ppm whereas the recommended level is just under 1000 ppm. The fact that CO2 is an odorless and colorless gas makes it harder to detect. However, with a CO2/T/H sensor, you will know when CO2 levels are close to dangerous levels and take preventive measures. 

Lower your utility bills

Many people wrongly assume that turning on and off HVAC systems as required is enough to control utility bills. However, it actually has a contradictory effect on utility bills as HVAC systems will simply work harder when you turn it on to adjust to comfortable levels. With CO2/T/H monitoring you can improve CO2 level, temperature as well as humidity resulting in better ventilation and improved indoor air quality, thereby reducing workload on your HVAC and thus lowering your utility bills.

Achieve optimum humidity

Having a balanced humidity in your building is also a reflection of good IAQ. When the amount of water in the air surpasses the normal requirement, your immediate environment can become detrimental as increased humidity tends to make you feel stuffy and cause heavy breathing.

Too much humidity also causes mold growth which has its own health problems whereas less humidity leads to cold and dry environment. This can cause dry skin, static shock, and nose bleeding. With a CO2/T/H monitor, you can achieve balanced humidity and improve IAQ through regular checkup and adjustments.

Indoor air quality plays a pivotal role, especially in improving health and performance of building occupants as pathogens and pollutants linger for prolonged hours at typical air exchange rates in buildings. A-TECH Engineering Ltd. – an advanced energy company is offering three months free CO2/T/H indoor monitoring to improve your indoor air quality and provide cost-saving solutions. Connect with us to learn more.